Template: /consoleAssets/gardenlandTheme/plants/dsp_plantDetail.cfm:38
Execution Time: 6.94 ms
Record Count: 1
Cached: No
Lazy: No
select p.friendlyURL as myval
from tb_users_plants p
where p.isactive and p.displayOnWebsite = 1 and isnull(p.deleteDate) and userID = 3829
and p.type = 'Cacti/Succulent'
group by p.friendlyURL
order by p.NameLine2, p.nameLine1
Artichoke Agave - Agave parryi 'truncata' from Landscaper Theme Three

Agave parryi 'truncata'

Artichoke Agave

  • Striking, wide blue-gray leaves
  • Hardy to about 10 degrees
  • Yellow-red flowers
  • Native to Mexico

1 gal - $9.99
Artichoke Agave Details
Zone 7 - 10
SKU 45689-1
Categories Cacti/Succulent

Check back soon for additional information on Artichoke Agave.

Check back soon for more in-depth details on Artichoke Agave.