Template: /consoleAssets/gardenlandTheme/plants/dsp_plantDetail.cfm:38
Execution Time: 5.55 ms
Record Count: 13
Cached: No
Lazy: No
select p.friendlyURL as myval
from tb_users_plants p
where p.isactive and p.displayOnWebsite = 1 and isnull(p.deleteDate) and userID = 3829
and p.type = 'Tree'
group by p.friendlyURL
order by p.NameLine2, p.nameLine1
Crapemyrtle - Lagerstroemia indica 'Comanche' from Landscaper Theme Three

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Lagerstroemia indica 'Comanche'


Features dark green foliage turning dark orange to dark reddish purple in fall, mottled sandlewood bark which exfoliates with age and terminal, crepe-papery, 6-9" long inflorescences (panicles) of coral pink flowers from mid-summer to early fall. Flowers give way to seed capsules which often persist well into winter. In the South, this cultivar can easily be grown as a woody shrub or trained as a small single trunk tree with a maximum size of 11' tall and 12' wide.

  • Upright form and broad crown
  • July to mid-September flowers are coral pink
  • Fall color ranges dark orange red to dark purple red

Best grown in average, medium moisture, well-drained soils in full sun. Does well in loamy, clay soils with good drainage. Benefits from a slow release fertilizer. Overly fertile soils tend to produce lush foliage growth at the expense of flowering with somewhat increased susceptibility to winter injury. Lagerstroemia is a genus of about 40 species of deciduous and evergreen shrubs and trees from warm-temperate to tropical areas of Asia to Australia. They are grown for their very showy, lovely summer to fall bloom. In warmer areas many can be grown as trees but in colder climates they may be killed to the ground but resprout from below ground to be grown more as shrubs. 'Comanche' is a cross between L. indica and L. fauriei. It is one of several mildew resistant hybrids developed by the National Arboretum in Washington, D.C., all of which have been given the names of Native American tribes.

7gal - $99.99
Crapemyrtle Details
Height 16 - 18 ft
Spread 18 - 20 ft
SKU 499636
Categories Tree

Check back soon for additional information on Crapemyrtle.

Best grown in average, medium moisture, well-drained soils in full sun. Does well in loamy, clay soils with good drainage. Benefits from a slow release fertilizer. Overly fertile soils tend to produce lush foliage growth at the expense of flowering with somewhat increased susceptibility to winter injury. Lagerstroemia is a genus of about 40 species of deciduous and evergreen shrubs and trees from warm-temperate to tropical areas of Asia to Australia. They are grown for their very showy, lovely summer to fall bloom. In warmer areas many can be grown as trees but in colder climates they may be killed to the ground but resprout from below ground to be grown more as shrubs. 'Comanche' is a cross between L. indica and L. fauriei. It is one of several mildew resistant hybrids developed by the National Arboretum in Washington, D.C., all of which have been given the names of Native American tribes.